Data Visualization & Dashboarding

For this dashboard, I imported a public Medicaid/CHIP behavioral health services dataset to Tableau and created three separate visualizations. I then created a dashboard with these visualizations, using global filters.

Data source: “Behavioral Health Services Provided to the Medicaid and CHIP Population” CSV file, 29 March 2023, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, public domain, accessed via

File Import & Aliasing

I began by importing a CSV file to Tableau. In order to make the native “201801”-style code for the Month column more useful, I created aliases for all values in the column in the “Jan ‘18” format.

Individual Visualizations

I then created three visualizations based on the imported data:

  • a shaded map depicting the rate of services per 1,000 beneficiaries for each state with Year, Condition (mental health vs. substance use), and Behavioral Health Service (inpatient, outpatient, etc.) as filters

  • a bar graph illustrating the number of services by Condition and Service with Year and State as filters

  • a line chart plotting the total number of services per month with Year, Condition, and Service as filters


Finally, I created a dashboard using all three visualizations. I consolidated the filters for individual graphs into a set of global filters that can be used on the entire dashboard.